So I've decided after a lot of deliberation that my next army, which will be more hobby orientated now I've got the Skaven army almost finished, will be Vampire Counts.
I first collected this army when I first got into the hobby. One fond memory was painting the undead clown Nagash. I've decided to return to them and maybe add a hero or unit monthly if possible due to work and other commitments. I will try get a lot of conversions in the army and make it a nice army to play against.
First up I've got my mounted Vampire Lord. Nothing big here. Few converted parts done to the Archaeon model. Looks ok. The second is a Strigoi Ghoul King on foot. I wanted a nice big muscly looking model for him. The Savage Orc model was perfect for this. I've given him a Crypt Horror head. On both these models, I still need to do a lot of green stuff work to joins etc.
Overall I'm looking forward to doing this project. What do you guys think of it so far?
Nice to see that Archaon model is being put to good use! Looks great mate!